I don’t know how you’re feeling lately, but I am now more sensitive to everything. I find that I am more sensitive to environments, smells, foods, and of course people’s energy.
I saw this great statement the other day that said your task is not to heal toxic people. Your job is to heal in yourself what connected you to them. Think about this for a brief moment. It is a powerful statement. First of all, healing is an inside job. We have to want to be healed, and we do have the power to heal ourselves. We may go to a Reiki healer and if we are in alignment then we can bring in that universal energy to heal ourselves.
You may find that people you were once attracted to in your life are no longer resonating with your energy. It can feel like they’re in one dimension and you’re in another. Be careful who you spend time with, and who you mix your energy with. You may be only going out for coffee but while you’re sitting there their energy is blending with yours in your field and can leave you feeling heavy, frustrated, or even disconnected. You may have to cleanse your energy after. The goal is to keep growing and evolving spiritually so you can climb that vibrational ladder. Not everyone may be on the same path you are on. It’s important to say that this is not a judgment. Everyone makes their own choices about what is important to them, and no one is left behind, but an observation I have is the more you keep climbing vibrationally, the bigger the gap maybe if someone isn't deciding to move with you. Ultimately, we all make our own decisions, and you may have to leave someone behind if the gap gets too big. I find it is helpful to remember people can come into our life for a reason or a season and it is all ok. On the other hand, it may inspire someone to start growing again, and they could play catchup almost overnight. You just never know. One thing I know for sure is never hold yourself back to make someone else feel comfortable. Our job as spiritual beings having a human experience is to grow, grow, GROW! Start to notice where you are and if you're satisfied with it because at the end of the day, that’s what matters.
