Do you feel like it is time for construction on yourself and things in
your life? With the end of this retrograde cycle that we are in, it’s
time to take another good hard look at your life and decide what
still needs to be let go of both physically and emotionally. Finish
up the cleaning out in this cycle. What no longer serves you?
What emotional mind loops do you still find yourself in? Are they
just traps to keep you from moving forward? Time is almost up.
January 1st, we all entered into a new timeline. We are being
forced to up level for fear of being left behind. Mother Earth is
moving whether we like it or not. She’s raising her vibration and
pointing the way for us. She continues to shake, rattle, and roll
with all these floods that are a direct reflection of all of our
emotional bodies that still want to hold onto emotional pain. She
shows us we must let go or be caught up in our own tsunamis.
She continues to have earthquakes as a way to shake off all the
layers of residual anger, frustration, and fear. It's interesting that
many times after an earthquake some new landmass is revealed
or there may be an unveiling of something once buried
underneath. It's what happens to us when we explode and
expose our once-buried feelings and bring them to the surface.
I believe this year will bring manymore Earth changes so take the time
to clean out. Imagine that...our bodies represent the earth and as we
clean out we can hold a higher vibration just like mother earth.
By doing our part to help, her purge, we all win.