I have noticed myself that when someone is speaking including myself, we have a desire for people to just witness or listen to us without trying to insert our opinion or give advice. This is not what is needed. It may feel as if it is needed by you to fulfill something inside of you unless you're in the therapy business or someone is asking for your opinion. Do not make the mistake of puking all over them with what may be useless information for them. You may even ask them what they need. Do you need me to just listen or do you welcome advice? The problem with advice is if you never gone through the experience the person may be stuck in then how the hell are you going to help them? You can't! Most people never get the chance to be heard without interruptions, and usually they can figure out their own solution while they are speaking if YOU remain quiet.
It is natural for us to want to help others, but are we really helping? How dare us think that we have all the answers when maybe we don't? Everyone has to find their own way and own path mistakes and all. Sometimes it’s meant for us to take a detour that teaches us and leads us to circling around to choose again. Remember, there are no mistakes. Let people find their way, and you concentrate on finding your own. Save your time and energy. Remember, listening is a lost art. Practice….Practice…Practice…
