There has been so much confusion and misconceptions about the twin flames, their journey, and what the importance of the connection is, that I am inspired to write about it to clear some of it up. First of all, the twin flame is one soul put into two bodies. Yes, everyone has one but they are not all on earth at the same time. Sometimes one is on the other side working with their twin. Because of the condition of the Earth and the challenges we face at this time more and more twins are coming together. The way I think about it is if they are balanced and together it is like 1 & 1 =3.
The Divine Feminine, The Divine Male and of course Spirit working powerfully through them. This does not mean that one has to be female and one male, as the energies will adjust with whoever your twin comes through as. They are also called twin souls.
When you meet your twin for the first time it may seem so overpowering like I know you. I really know you! Everything seems so familiar about them. It may even feel like you’re home. You can’t explain it. It seems to take you over, and many get in their heads about it as they’re trying to figure it out. It is even common to think you have just met the love of your life. Although romance might be a part of it, it is not the whole picture for sure! Simply put, they are here to trigger your spiritual growth and awakening. They usually connect when it’s time to shatter your old reality and get you moving again. If you are indeed one soul, the more you can spiritually evolve and up-level, the better. They are your perfect mirror. Typically, it is usually whoever is playing the role of the Divine Feminine or DF, is usually more aware and awake than the one playing the Divine Masculine or DM. The DM may not even be spiritual on the surface, and is holding all of it in their subconscious mind. Then it begins. One becomes the runner, and one becomes the chaser. The one who is not so much awake becomes afraid of these uncontrollable feelings, gets scared and pulls away initially. They may know you are different and can’t help the feelings they have, but at the same time wants to run from them. Then the fun begins when both of your lives start to fall apart and the reality you thought you knew starts to fall away or unravel. Usually the DM has a harder time with that and will need time to process what is going on. This could be weeks or even months. There is no way of knowing how long as each is individual. The DF is the one who has conscious recognition usually right away. She becomes the one who wants to chase because she knows what she wants, and if this works out she feels she will be out of the matrix template of what love is. Twin Flame love is unconditional once they are balanced and conscious, but there are no guarantees that they will work out romantically. When it does work out it can free you from a so called normal life. The twin helps to awaken us and pulls us out of the matrix filled with fear, control, and power.
The overall purpose is to find union with ourself and to be complete with self and purpose. While your twin pulls away it will bring up all different feelings, and you may not understand why if it is so strong why are they running away from you. If you are the chaser, STOP! Give them their space so when they are ready they can come back to you. It will never happen when you’re chasing and being overwhelming to them. First, look at what feelings are coming up when you don’t hear from them. It may feel like abandonment or something else. What ever it is, bring it back to yourself and ask where do I still have these wounds of abandonment that still need to heal. Then go within yourself and work on YOU. Then go to the next thing and keep healing. Your twin is reflecting back to you, and you to them about where you need to heal. After you have done more work it is common to have them show up again. Often, they will come together to be of service in some way. This is because they have such a connection and gifts that they share. Remember, the pulling away serves you both reflecting your inner fears, doubts, and attachments. It pushes you to go inward and reconnect with our true self. Not everyone will connect with their twin in the physical in this lifetime. It is not a one up on Soulmates as many think. Many of you have Karmic connections or Soulmate relationships which tend to be more romantic. Keep working on yourself and you just may meet your twin flame, but if not, no worries, there are many Soulmates and Karmic relationships to work on. It just matters where your soul contracts lie.
